So today and last night have definitely given me a little taste of “the old Sophie” She has had so much spunk and energy and I am really enjoying seeing her personality shine through and not just a sad hurt injured puppy. She is getting better at walking and usuing her leg (although it is splinted straight) so it still is not how it will be in the long run, but she used to drag it, and now she is trying to hop with it. It is amazing how much she is keeping up with me. I usually take her out with me to go get the mail (which is accross the street) I will hurry and walk fast and get the mail and be back before she has even made it to the edge of the grass, well yesterday and today i have to not take or carry her with because she is right along side me the whole time! She has enjoyed her toys again! She ate really well for me today (yay!) One thing I noticed I find weird though is how much she has been pooping since surgery? Is that normal? It is normal poop, but looks pretty dark? Could she have gotten blood in it somehow fromt he surgery? It does not look bloody necesarely, just darker than I am used to seeing. Today I have felt sad for her a couple times though as I watch her try to figure out where her leg is…. She has been laying on her back rolling from side to side almost trying to figure out how it all works, and you can see her little stub moving randmoly like she is checking what it can do. Her incision is healing REALLY WELL! I read others saying the draining and such and hers does not have that. The redness and brusiing is almost all gone. There is a little bit of the fluid inside still but nothing like it was. Just wanted to share an update and good news about Sophie!
Glad to hear she is recovering so well!
Bud had blood in his urine and the docs thought it was because of pressure from using the sling. Once we were able to stop using it the blood disappeared in a couple of days. When in doubt, it’s best to make a call to the vet’s office even for reassurance!