Things are going well for sophie so far. She wanted to “fight” with me today just wanted to bite my hand (or anything we put in front of her face) LOL… I do have a couple questions though, one is it feels sort of like fluid in there right now, maybe it is just the way the muscle feels in there i dont know but just wanted to tell you guys that, and also it is starting to bruise pretty bad… is this normal? Other than that she is still doing awesome. She is wanting to be VERY picky about what she eats, but she just had a limb removed so we have been pretty good with still getting to eat although she is SPOILED! It is a gloomy day here and i am praying it does not rain since she has a splint/wrap on the good leg so we cant let her get it wet. I cant wait tilll that can come off and we can see how she does actually walking with 3 legs since right now she is honestly walking with 2!
yes, the fluid is normal, and you will see quite the array of colors as the bruising takes it’s course. a seroma is when the fluid settles in the pocket, but the body should obsorb it back, with time. if you have any concerns, contact your vet of course. there are pictures of seromas on the forums and such. paws crossed for continued recovery for all of you!!
charon & spirit gayle
Oh Cadence had all kinds of pretty colors. In the beginning mostly wine colored, then later the yellows and browns. All normal. As long as there is no blood, infection looking swollen, stnking stuff going on, you should be fine!
When Dozer had his amp. he got terribly swollen and bruised. He also developed a seroma, as descirbed above. His required draining. Keep an eye on it. Usually not an issue but can lead to infection. Whatch for increased reddness, swelling, and licking. You can try the over the counter cast covers to keep the other leg dry. They are for people casts, so depending on the size of your dog it may work. Also glad press and seal wrap works well for quick trips outside when it may be damp or a little wet.
Dozer sends wet puppy kisses.
Rio had bruising from chin to tail — seriously, no exaggeration. It was beyond anything I could have expected. I read later that dogs who have fish oil supplements in their diets tend to bruise worse, but at the time I was freaked. We did the cold packs and that seemed to help. But holy cow, the bruising was extensive. She also had a seroma, but it didn’t leak too much, thankfully, and didn’t require drainage.
As far as diet goes, I say, your girl has been through a lot and deserves to be spoiled a bit. By spoiling, I mean lean meats, scrambled eggs, a bit of cheese — you know, the good-for-you types of spoiling.
Good luck with your Sophie. Hang in there — truly, it does get easier!!
Rio’s momma, Micki